

Gnarls Barkley, Going On
Directed by Wendy Morgan

Where did the treatment for Going On come from and upon hearing the song, did you initially want to include Gnarls Barkley in the video?

The brief for the video was open to have the band in it or not. Given the idea I had and the location, I thought they would probably be cool with not being in it. The idea came like any other idea, the song led to it, it’s the type of idea that changes and evolves a you are in the process but given the lyrical contentent and the feel of the song, I had the idea of a portal to another dimension.

Your direction seems reminiscent of the shots seen in the movie, City of God. Any influences?

To be honest not really, I like that movie allot but I wasn’t thinking about it, I think the locations and the cast maybe led to that look incidentally.

Movement is another theme, do you have a background in dance/choreography?

No I don’t. I know what I like though and we casted dancers based on how they moved naturally, we also has an excellent choreographer with us by the name of shotyme.

I recently viewed your blog where you spend a lot of time in Barcelona. Aside from the people, what places, structures inspire you behind the camera?

Lots of different things inspire me, one of the most inspiring things I can remember in terms of a place is riding a train into NYC and getting to see all the boroughs and backyards along the way. I also took a trip to Africa a few years ago which was a big inspiration for this video.

Toronto as well?

Yes I spent a long time living in Toronto where there is a big West Indian population; I love dancehall and reggae music in general.

Living in Toronto and viewing your MTV clips for the 10 Spot, sexisn't taken too seriously compared to a highly-sexed U.S. where commercials and videos tend to stick to PG safe mode. What are some of the other major comparisons between the two countries where film is concerned?

I think Americans are a little more repressed than Canadians, Canadians are nicer and maybe more boring.

How do you prepare for your next video shoot?

Stress allot, draw story boards, not sleep much and argue allot.

Advice for artists pursuing a career in video/film?

If you want it really bad just start making stuff, people will notice if you really put your heart into something.

Any grand ideas for your future in film?

Yes I’m currently working on a feature film script, lets hope one day I get to direct it.

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