

I'm really gonna miss my dude TimRuss (3.07). I introduced myself to politics when I was about 16 and Meet the Press was the show that got me excited about world affairs. I caught him interviewing Clinton about Iraq (1997) and Saddam's promise to shoot down any spy planes zooming over his country. Clinton insisted that these flights were merely United Nations airplanes whose job was to monitor activity after the Gulf War and Iraq's possible use of biological warfare, schume those weapons of mass destruction. How ironic that a decade later the u.s. media is still wasting ink and tv time on reasons why they have every right to rape the Iraqis of whatever resources they have left. While Tim's voice reminded me of a no-nonsense professor, his presence was good ol' saint Nick with the button nose and rosy cheeks that seemed to get brighter whenever a guest pissed him off. What I respected most is that he provided an unbiased platform for every guest, allowing them to right their wrongs and most times giving them just enough rope to hang themselves. That same year he interviewed Mr. Farrakhan and I was hooked. Sunday mornings @ 11am was my chance to see just wtf was goings ons in this crazy ass world of politics&bullshit. And nobody did it better! R.I.P. Russ, not sure who will fill those shoes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i kno ma, Timmy will be missed...i'm still in shock a lil

xoxo legendstatementstar