

While we're on the topic of Jack, let's plunge into the world of E--one of my favorite letters of the alphabet and X, the letter I pray for during Scrabble. I read about the so-called E Kingpin, Ken Francis (see the latest King Mag with MissToccara reppin' the thick women) and the first image-association was the scene in Disorderlies when the Fat Boys poker for pills. Crazy, right? Incredible Hulks, 4-Leaf clovers, 007s, ingenious and manufactured logos like the Nike swoosh and well, you can't help but "do it." While I'm not condoning or promoting daily usage of MDMA, it's no secret to members of the e-club why the drug was administered in the seventies to couples on the brink of a split-up. What I can't wrap my American French around is the backwardassness of our federal government and their need to condemn and prosecute pharmacists who happen to be Black or somehow intertwined with hip hop culture. No surprise the world is filled with hypocrisy. It comes so easily.